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About the Position
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Position # 4924
OrganizationUnited Way Community Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin
Position Finance Audit and Risk Committee Member
Location 85 Westmount Road
Impact Statement How You Can Help Us

We are committed to ensuring representation on our Finance, Audit & Risk committee that is consistent with the communities we serve. Based on the current committee composition in terms of skills, expertise, demographics and lived experience, we welcome a wider range of perspectives to ensure a more diverse set of voices at our table. Although applications are accepted from all interested individuals, we particularly welcome applications from individuals who bring any of the following perspectives to their work:

Skills / experience in Finance or Risk Management

Individuals between 18 – 40 years of age

Black or racialized individuals

First Nations, Metis or Inuit peoples

Individuals who identify as 2SLGBTQ+
Description Responsibilities

The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee provides additional Board oversight of UWGWD’s finance and business affairs and undertakes such other duties as the Board may from time to time assign by resolution.

Committee members are responsible:

To review and recommend the annual budget and financial statements to the Board for approval;

To monitor the financial performance of UWGWD and bring any concerns to the Board;

To review the scope of the annual external audit, meet with the auditor and review the annual audited financial statements and auditor’s report prior to the Annual General Meeting;

To recommend to the Board the appointment and remuneration of the auditors;

To annually review the Investment Policy;

To review management’s assessment of business risks, ensuring that Board approval, systems and internal controls are in place to identify, monitor and mitigate such risks;

To review specific issues deemed of material financial impact and make recommendations to the Board;

To act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director in matters related to the financial affairs of UWGWD;

To review and recommend any amendments to the Board’s Finance and Risk Policies; and

Other duties as assigned by the Board.

Time Commitment

Finance, Audit & Risk Committee meetings are held once every month. Members are expected to:

Attend monthlycommittee meetings. Meetings take place on the thirdThursday ofthemonth at 6 pm. Currently, committee meetings are virtual.

Attend United Way special events and fundraisers and represent United Way at community events.

Total time commitment of approximately 2-4 hours a month.
Required Information References Required
Minimum Duration More than 1 year
Timing Weekday - Evening
Time Detail Total time commitment of approximately 2-4 hours a month.
Age 18+
Ideal for An Individual
Transportation Car required
Area(s) of Interest Accounting/Finance
How to Apply
Application Link:
Email Send an Email Message
Contact Andrew McCann-Pappin
Phone (519) 821-0571
Address 85 Westmount Road Guelph, N1H 5J2
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